yet another 'thoughtful' insight to a photo that was taken by yours truly. this was the sky ytd, around 5pm. somehow i think the sun is the most accurate depiction of the glory of God, though nowhere near. the brightness is so often blinding, and you cant look it directly in the eye. the sun rays reach all corners of the earth, minus the shadows (sin, in this case, again.) and it just illuminates the whole place. maybe when Jesus comes again and i have my superpimp camera i'll take a shot that looks just like this, or maybe it'll be so bright that all you take is a sheet of white. i dont know. i'll tell you when that happens (if i'm not already lying in my grave, that is)
had the urge to take photos ytd. sky was irresistable. wanted some more red fireball-like cloud shots, but i was eating dinner and the light didnt really penetrate through the layers of clouds. got some shots of nice flowers though, finally managed to work my way around the digi cam to make it FOCUS and well. didnt work too well, some were really blur..but an achievement NONETHELESS! (just let me dwindle a little in self-delusion..)
a flower for your vanity, a penny for your thoughts..

this was taken at bluegum on saturday, seconds after my camera started flashing the no battery sign after 2 certain individuals returned from their routine friday evening walks. *glares*

poor attempt at focusing using a digi cam. you have no idea how many times i had to refocus it.

i like this shot. so maybe the bin might be in the way, but it looks photoshopped. ahh i just like it.
here today and gone tomorrow..
WHY. why must my brother and cousins be reasonably GOOD-LOOKING, have pretty outstanding PERSONALITIES, great CHARACTER and this ATTRACTIVENESS about them that make just about all the 14/15 year old rossy girls either a) like them, b) liked them, or c) gonna like them.
it was funny though HAHA. traumatizing but funny. i laughed in a painful sorta way. and why are the people we hang around GUY CRAZY and fangirl-like and BEST OF ALL, target their friend's brother/cousin/whatever. isnt it always the guys who are kept away from the girls and not the other way round?! tiring fending them off, esp when hounded by requests of "sarah you've got to introduce your brother/cousin to me one day!! :D:D:D"
my bro is not gonna hear about this. esp the potentially ego-boost-to-the-sky incident.
you guys, you give me so much work to do. *eyes menacingly*
to turn away and not become another nail to pierce the skin of one who loves
more deeply than the ocean, more abundant than the tears of a world embracing every heartache