two guys and a missing girl

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

i have no self control.

step into the house and whip out the english, the science, and the maths. plonk my ass on the chair and start writing. finish the maths and get off the ass. slice an apple into quarters - what a healthy snack option. ass goes back down on chair. gets back up - can't take the workload. brain malfunctions. play all i want is you on guitar. hand cramps. back to the homework. no, wait, spots Kraft EasyMac on top of microwave. 5.30. should i? should i not? will spoil dinner apetite - MAYBE NOT. shouldn't. don't NEED to eat. ah what the hell. why shouldn't i? Kraft EasyMac gone in five minutes. three of those minutes was cooking time. mum comes home. SUSHI. eat eat eat eat eat. wasabi rocks. it also hurts. WOOHOO!! apple pie with cream. mmm... so nice.

and i haven't even had dinner yet.


At 9:57 PM, March 15, 2006, Blogger sarawr said...

aww man. you are incredible. just as incredible as the way you swerved (more like JUMPED and SQUEALED) when the cyclist rang the bell..and how we instinctively grouped up when we heard rustling in the bushes (men in the bushes?) and how you made me give you a full blown massage today..

yea. incredible sums it up.
w.i.a.y.a. for good measure.

At 10:01 PM, March 15, 2006, Blogger Fin said...



i told ya she was good ;)

p.s take more care of ur back lar.


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