i love this shot. among the peacefulness.. all the white, the red stains the picture. i liken the red to sin and white to the love, grace and mercy that comes from our Heavenly Father. how do i say it? our sin..no matter how big or small it is, will always stand out from the lovely, peaceful picture, even though we try to make it blend in by covering up our sin, making excuses. yet the love, grace and mercy that comes from our Father is so abundant that no matter how great your sin is, there's always gonna be so much more love around. look at how much white there is compared to red. sin tarnishes the relationship. yet, if the picture did not have the blood element in it, it wouldnt be all that great a shot. similarly, you cant entirely take sin out of our lives, what we can do is try not to sin, keep the amount of blood to a bare minimum.
did you get that? i cant put my thoughts to words, you'll either have to decipher it or just ignore it altogether. how did such a simple picture get so complicated?!
i'm fantasizing about having the only beach front home with lots of palm trees to tie my hammock round and a jetty to sit out into the ocean without getting wet. yeaa. that's my dream. i think your vocal cords are the one of the best musical instruments around. it's with you 24/7, dont have to do anything else except open your mouth and sing. (singing in tune and in time is a different matter, but we shan't go into it) its portable. it doesnt require much skill, and its just one of the best God-given gifts we have. to me, at least. no practise needed. it's just..there.
i'm in a sing-a-ling-a-ling mood. one of the reasons why i like being home alone. sometimes in my room with the door shut i'll sing along to music fairly softly, then when i get outta my room my mum goes, "eh sa-ah, when you suddenly sing at night quite scary leh." thanks mum! make sure the next time we move in somewhere the walls are 10 times thicker. then you cant hear me singing and i wont hear you screaming =) [i'm really kidding]
the computer is becoming a bane.
i dont wanna go down south for easter..i'd much rather spend it in church. i'll be praying uber hard that we've got no accomodation. i dont fancy doing anything else over easter except sit down and really reflect and ponder on what good friday and easter sunday mean. then again, i'm the only one with this mindset. oh well. say a lil' prayer, to Jesus you'll be right. songs we sang at sunday school. innocently cute, simple yet true.
i still havent satisfied my dessert crave. starting to go away..
ever kept something to yourself so you wont make someone else feel bad?
ytd at choir pastor shirley struck a point that i hadn't noticed. she mentioned how people applauded the choir for the performance, and how the focus had somewhat shifted from God to us. which hit a pit in me, cause it was in one way or another, true. the reason why we can sing so well despite our small number is not just because we're good. we screwed up practise before the performance. you couldnt even hear a tinge of the second part. ytd during the performance it was good. it was no doubt the Holy Spirit in us that empowered us to sing that well. all things come from God, yet why do we give Him no credit at all? all glory be unto Him, we have absolutely nothing to boast of.
it's sarah's workyourbuttoff day.
it's not about me, as if You should do things my way
You alone are God and i surrender to Your ways
my eyes are screwed up now.
No matter though!!
i dont care cuz, that's it you're doing lit! geez, such a thoughtful analysis of such a simple object. Photo, watever.
But it was pro, good work there. =) i guess that Kim and you might be in the same lit class then!! (and amy? =\)
i laugh at the (and amy?) bit. sarah, sarah, sarah... tsk tsk tsk.
you think we all have super eyesight is it?
good post.
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