two guys and a missing girl

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

my mother said if i get a TER of 98.8 she'd buy me a car as a present. or smth like that.

wooo..not a bad deal. cept when i think about how my bro worked his arse off before getting 98.35, i shudder to think of how i'm gonna beat that when i'm not half as hardworking as he is.

oh well. there are always people worse than you right? casper's got 99.45 to top. thank goodness collin doesnt have a younger sibling.

oh man, crosby..99.95. thank goodness he isnt my brother.

i wanna scream at my ocean. or i just want to replay saturday again. boy, that was good (:

time to gear up for that big race!

Friday, October 20, 2006


this week has flown by!! probably only cause we didnt get piled on with work. only SIX more weeks to the end of year 10 and i bet in the next 3-4 weeks, time will just craaaaawwwwwl by with our million and one assignments. but who really cares? 6 weeks is 6 weeks, its not gonna change whether time flies or not, so that's good. its constant.

today we started to feel the good old days of summer come back. outside was an oven at 100deg. not that bad yet, hasnt really become a furnace. but you feel yourself slowly burning as you walk home. and the sun searing your skin as it turns it red. and before you know it, i'll have one arm darker than the other AGAIN. but meh, its only 31deg, not thaaaat bad yet.

you know when you know its bad?

when its 40deg and the minute you step out you really get hit by the same feeling you do when you open a hot oven, with all the hot air rushing out. cept you're actually stepping into the oven to self-destruct and bake yourself. and the first 5 minutes is hell, but the next 10 is blissful. cause you get so burnt that you dont even feel it anymore.

i saw the sprinklers on today and i felt like running through them. then decided to exercise a bit of self-control. its not thaaaaat bad. i really have to brace myself for better days ahead.

by then you're praying and hoping and wishing some angel will suddenly turn up with a vehicle and ferry you home. yea well, so that isnt too realistic, but meh. just a thought.

i have a lime green obsession. see, i admitted it.

xiang nian jiu rang zi ji ku le zi ji.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


if you look at it this way, its not that bad afterall.

no, make that 32. i'll be skipping school. HAHAHA.

first day back wasnt that bad. time passed really fast. i realized on several occasions that i was actually back in a classroom and surrounded by people who actually seemed eager to learn. maybe it was just the first day back, or maybe i was just being delusioned. either way, reality hit me like a big yellow bus and yup, its hello school!

i got a level6 in s&e even when i didnt do the level6 aspect. my teacher reckons i should be writing books. i think she's simply deprived.

no homework today. its not as bad as i thought it would be. but i probably wont be able to say the same next week. pessimist.

gotta take more people shots. i havent taken many at all. then i'll print all their faces out and stick them on my freshly built wardrobe. which is gonna die some day due to rough handling. the workmanship was fantastic though. and no, i only fixed part of it. i really suck at hammering though.

ytd i was out stargazing. and i learnt something that disproved my thoughts previously. david and i were hunting for the moon and southern cross, which had cleverly evaded us last night. we wanted to scare whoever was at the kitchen sink, who so happened to be justin, but we decided not to ;p the thought of that was funny though ;p

then reality sank in last night and i was SAD! that school was starting. but that's always what happens one day before something happens. to me anyway.

i want gourmet ice cream. i havent had that since a little more than a month ago, which isnt that bad if you think about it. i saw a 1L tub of il gelato ice cream at the best cake shop around. i was so thrilled that it didnt dawn on me how expensive it is to pay 13 bucks for 1 litre of ice cream.

about that cake shop.. it turns me into a little girl, i promise you. i walked in and it smelt just heavenly. i kept going "mum what's that smell!!! where's it coming from!!!!!" until the other lady in the shop was looking at me wondering exactly how old i am and until i could tell my mum was so embarrassed she didnt wanna acknowledge me as her daughter.

we bought apple strudel and happily went home. only then did i realized that the heavenly smell in the shop actually came from the apple strudel.

all's well that ends well.
[corny saying i used to use for my compositions. ugh.]

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

its the holidays!! =)

and the tv's not working. someone must have unplugged it for fear of short-circuiting. that means no jamie cullum until its working again. hmpf.

so the first few days of the hols have been alright. church and youth on sat and sunday, then dinner at taurus on sunday, where i happened to see hung yi but being the unsociable bum and impolite person i am, i didnt bother saying hi. well, he was happily eating away too. i think it was hung yi. it would be so bad if it wasnt him.

yup, dinner with my family, jon's and weiwei, who downed a newly concocted dish of tauhu goreng, indian mee and duck noodles. think he enjoyed it.

we then retreated back to my house to watch tv and music dvds, including karaoke. and that lasted till about 12 before we all decided that we'd had enough of theresa teng and all the oldies. it was pretty damn funny though, laughing at dodgy music clips, lyrics and song names. here's a preview:

"I'm so young and you're so old
This, my darling, I've been told
I don't care just what they say
'Cause forever I will pray
You and I will be as free
As the birds up in the trees
Oh, please stay by me, Diana"

okay, maybe we were just high then, but it was super funny predicting lyrics. and laughing at song titles such as 'lu bian de ye hua bu yao cai', which translates to 'do not pick the wildflowers by the roadside'.

then the next day i had to wake up at 7 to go see wildflowers. and screw up my film while i was at it.


i amaze myself sometimes.