two guys and a missing girl

Monday, March 20, 2006

nothing that you do could make Him love you more
and nothing that you've done could make Him close the door
because of His great love, He gave His only son
everything was done so you would come

i wanna live under a rock and hiatus there. or dig a hole in the ground and hibernate. watch sunset, then stargaze, then catch the sunrise, with some awesome people. (i always found it amazing how i can doze off in class or during movies but never stargazing. i still maintain its the manmade vs natural thing) i always wondered how great it would be if the time we spent at school was actually spent going to church. like, church-school kinda thing, only it would rock much more. you have bible study, worship class, fellowship.. man. i've gotta go to YWAM one of these days and experience it for myself.

unlimited wants, limited resources. now then, how shall we solve this economic problem? what are the opportunity costs involved? (lemme try to remember up a want of similar monetary value to satisfy another want?) living under a rock = wasting time i could use to make money? (lousy comparison) staying up all night = sacrificing sleep? (lousyyy.) going to church instead of school? ROCK ON. brain, you are incredible.

blogging is educational. helps you revise your work and study for your test. not like its gonna help me much for my econs test tmr. oh well. we can only hope.

people need the Lord. dont see how they can live without Him. i cant.

unlimited wants, limited resources = scarcity = need for choice = opportunity costs = unsatisfied wants = GREEDY PEOPLE.

told you i'm gonna fail it.



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