i have no homework this weekend. can you believe it?
okay maybe i do. A BIT, compared to the last 6 weeks where i had a mountain of work to do. but WHO CARES! after slogging for 6 weeks, i deserve a good weekend. cleaning up my mess isnt part of it.
word: bull
synonyms: balderdash, baloney, bilge, bunkum, claptrap, crap, hogwash, rubbish, trash
the thesaurus is so interesting. and no, i'm not a nerd.
the happy song truly lives up to its name.
i wanna go to youth. cant wait, actually.
PHOTOS! i'm gonna go on a photo frenzy tmr. thats if my camera doesnt die on me. i will FORCE myself to take pictures of people tmr instead of random things and scenic pictures. (note: clouds this morning were absolutely GORGEOUS.) i absolutely suck at taking photos of people though. but i love this one shot i took. it actually looks nice.

all the guys are smiling, there's eddy, jon, weiwei and his plate full of chicken bones (he whacked like 10 wings or smth), seb trying to act cute, and leon with his classic look and fringe. and all feet and heads are in.
OKAY, so the lighting (sunset) and worthy subject material played a huge part, but i still like that shot. man, i've gotta stop admiring it.
i'm hearing my friend rant about all her scandalous affairs with her crush. i'm still thankful i have none of that.
praise Him under open skies, everything breathing praising God; in the company of all who love the King
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