two guys and a missing girl

Friday, October 20, 2006


this week has flown by!! probably only cause we didnt get piled on with work. only SIX more weeks to the end of year 10 and i bet in the next 3-4 weeks, time will just craaaaawwwwwl by with our million and one assignments. but who really cares? 6 weeks is 6 weeks, its not gonna change whether time flies or not, so that's good. its constant.

today we started to feel the good old days of summer come back. outside was an oven at 100deg. not that bad yet, hasnt really become a furnace. but you feel yourself slowly burning as you walk home. and the sun searing your skin as it turns it red. and before you know it, i'll have one arm darker than the other AGAIN. but meh, its only 31deg, not thaaaat bad yet.

you know when you know its bad?

when its 40deg and the minute you step out you really get hit by the same feeling you do when you open a hot oven, with all the hot air rushing out. cept you're actually stepping into the oven to self-destruct and bake yourself. and the first 5 minutes is hell, but the next 10 is blissful. cause you get so burnt that you dont even feel it anymore.

i saw the sprinklers on today and i felt like running through them. then decided to exercise a bit of self-control. its not thaaaaat bad. i really have to brace myself for better days ahead.

by then you're praying and hoping and wishing some angel will suddenly turn up with a vehicle and ferry you home. yea well, so that isnt too realistic, but meh. just a thought.

i have a lime green obsession. see, i admitted it.

xiang nian jiu rang zi ji ku le zi ji.


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