if you look at it this way, its not that bad afterall.
no, make that 32. i'll be skipping school. HAHAHA.
first day back wasnt that bad. time passed really fast. i realized on several occasions that i was actually back in a classroom and surrounded by people who actually seemed eager to learn. maybe it was just the first day back, or maybe i was just being delusioned. either way, reality hit me like a big yellow bus and yup, its hello school!
i got a level6 in s&e even when i didnt do the level6 aspect. my teacher reckons i should be writing books. i think she's simply deprived.
no homework today. its not as bad as i thought it would be. but i probably wont be able to say the same next week. pessimist.
gotta take more people shots. i havent taken many at all. then i'll print all their faces out and stick them on my freshly built wardrobe. which is gonna die some day due to rough handling. the workmanship was fantastic though. and no, i only fixed part of it. i really suck at hammering though.
ytd i was out stargazing. and i learnt something that disproved my thoughts previously. david and i were hunting for the moon and southern cross, which had cleverly evaded us last night. we wanted to scare whoever was at the kitchen sink, who so happened to be justin, but we decided not to ;p the thought of that was funny though ;p
then reality sank in last night and i was SAD! that school was starting. but that's always what happens one day before something happens. to me anyway.
i want gourmet ice cream. i havent had that since a little more than a month ago, which isnt that bad if you think about it. i saw a 1L tub of il gelato ice cream at the best cake shop around. i was so thrilled that it didnt dawn on me how expensive it is to pay 13 bucks for 1 litre of ice cream.
about that cake shop.. it turns me into a little girl, i promise you. i walked in and it smelt just heavenly. i kept going "mum what's that smell!!! where's it coming from!!!!!" until the other lady in the shop was looking at me wondering exactly how old i am and until i could tell my mum was so embarrassed she didnt wanna acknowledge me as her daughter.
we bought apple strudel and happily went home. only then did i realized that the heavenly smell in the shop actually came from the apple strudel.
all's well that ends well.
[corny saying i used to use for my compositions. ugh.]