every time my parents come home a bit later than usual, i have all these thoughts popping in my head, paranoia really; about whether they're safe, maybe something's happened to them, all sorts of things like that.
today i cooked dinner. and by 5.3opm they still weren't home yet. made me wonder if they were okay. if i'd have to eat all that dinner by myself.
well, they made it home a few minutes later. but i still had to eat dinner on my own.
i kinda kicked up a row with them today, and for the first time in a long time, i threw a mini-fit at my parents.
this time, i'd like to think i actually had a reason,
a right, to do that.
my dinner didnt get eaten in the end. i would throw it away to show a bit of
attitude. the only thing that's stopping me from doing that is all the starving children out there.
i dont know if i'm mad, cause it doesnt seem like it. i'm just chucking a tantrum, something i havent done in a long time. i feel spoilt, but what the hell.
all this has made me feel like summarizing the rest of ch3 of econs.
i scrubbed my face really hard just then. now it feels really clean.
that's the last time i'm gonna be cooking dinner.