hahaha. i miss singspiration practise. we had so much fun practising for mega praise and even just jamming around to random songs, or going acappella and yelling out the chorus for Lord Reign In Me, though it was in tune [or was it? XD] and see all the adults looking at us like we were nuts or smth, but you know, we were just having the time of our lives XD
can see flashbacks of camp before me, the atmosphere at mega praise, singing what, 18 songs? and just have my fill for singing for the next few days XD jumping and singing till you've given your all, seeing that your all was enough to get everyone all hyped and active for God and feeling that sense of immense satisfaction and being hit by a pang of gratitude to God thereafter.
hanging out on the railing by the balcony..now i've got a thing for railings XD having Sarah [Lam] almost trip over me and have the both of us stack it, lying on my back on David's car and getting up only to kick Caroline straight in the stomach? or smth like that XD having the regulars visit chalet 7 [mind you, the coolest around] including our camp ..-whaddya call him now-.. um. leader? Crosby!!!!!! stay until 2/3 masterminding all the card games....oohoooh. and of course, how could we miss out Leon..;p

and the plays..oh man the plays XD screwing up my part ;p, seeing the shoe ad and the scarf ad, seeing Casper as the mugger, Josh being the usual pimp [or acting as one anyway ;p but its real convincing, you gotta admit], inflatable Wei Wei XD, Nat as the bad mother, Eddy and my bro as the spies.....funniness haha.
waking up at 6am to walk round the place, catch the sunrise with Nat and the occasional David, singing as we go along and only remembering to sing "from the rising of the sun...." when we actually see the sun XD walking around at night and sitting by the fountain with Joan, just talking.. freezing my butt off but loving it anyway. running across the place to get to morning devotional, seeing various people along the way and yelling out greetings.. i think i miss that the most.
i wanna go on camp again! lalallalal. hopefully plans are already underway..hmm.
i havent touched my camera in ages. i feel the urge to pick it up. the memory card had better be working... meh. i'll take it to youth next week. havent gotten people shots in a long long time. hmmmm.
writing corny love letters in chinese is hilarious beyond belief. BAHAHAHAHHAHHA.
let me know that You love me; let that be enough