two guys and a missing girl

Sunday, August 06, 2006

this conversation took place at the shop ytd, while the whole family was working.

mum: "sa-ah, last week you counted money wrongly."
me: -unconvinced my mental math failed me- "got meh?"
mum: "yea, the $5 notes that were in a pile were worth $50 but you counted them as $100."
me: "dont we usually pile them in $100s? not my fault that i counted it like that."
mum: "did i say it was your fault?"
me: " 'sa-ah, last week you counted money wrongly.' "
bro: "ahahahha kena jackeddd."
mum: "i dont care, i insist on you doing law."

interesting family we have huh. and lately, i dont know why, they've been interested in having slumber parties. for example, they all wanted to crash my room last night and sleep there, all 4 of us. or sleep in the living room.

for goodness sake, we've got our own bedrooms and beds, why torture ourselves by sleeping on the floor or couch or anything of that sort? they've lost their marbles. meh

i wanna see mars as big as the moon. i shall stay up...a few weeks from now.

when you give in to temptation, you pay for it. why must we have so many milk cartons lying around??? pffffft.

my mum asked me to buy my camera if i had enough money. then she asked me if i wanted a bicycle. lol, then she took the jewelry catalogue in and asked me if i wanted this diamond pendant.

my mum feels like spending. oh well..i suppose that's good XD

i hope printing the picture cards are the only thing i need to do all weekend. otherwise..mati lo!

OHOH brownies. :D

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh camp church choir Christ. all the good things start with C hahahahhahha.

you were there when I needed you
you were there when the skies broke wide, wide open
you were never here


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