two guys and a missing girl

Friday, November 11, 2005

ohmygoodness that pic of casper with the pink balloon is good. i shall save it for future blackmailing purposes XD

pft i shld have stuffed myself during recess..obviously i cant last thru the day without much lunch. but doing photog at lunch is GOOD! the darkroom's so nice and cosy when you're all alone and stuff. i could stay in there all day XD it's probably the only place i actually am productive *proud of self* only purpose i would willingly sacrifice lunch for XD we are so diligent only when it comes to photog..for example, i havent even completed creative writing..which is due on monday..i guess tmr shall be The Productive Day. (HAHAHHA PRODUCTIVE!!! i know i know -_-)

Things to be done:
1) practise piano like crap for worship and Impending Doom, or commonly known as piano exam. (2 and a half weeks, it finally dawned on me how fast it is though i've been harping non-stop about it)
2) creative writing
3) book reviews (kinda carried over from last week..)
4) photog write-ups
5) stuff for worship
6) clean up my room
7) piano (yea its repeated)
8) extra stuff if i have time (unlikely), design briefs to complete.

all by today! my godsis' coming from singapore tmr so i wont have much chance to do it then (who am i kidding).

pft. better get cracking.
i'm lazy to make breakfast.


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