two guys and a missing girl

Friday, November 04, 2005

this is what i copy and pasted from my own blog... read.. it's seriously edifying!!!

these are the top ten quotes from me, sarah and amy, as determined together by the three of us.. it consists of stuff that we say a lot, and also of one shot things that have stuck in our memory like two fingers fused with super glue..

top ten sarah quotes:
go for it [something she says when she wants me to do something that i don't want to do]
9) denial isn't the only river in egypt [although it was ripped off]
8) geez, shut up kim... SHEESH
7) what i am you are [for use when i am insulting her]
6) you're so retarded, kim [promptly followed by "shit, what i am you are"]
5) you suck, kim, you absolutely suck
4) we are inter-influential [that's her, always inventing new words]
3) crude and cold [her short and blunt description of me]
2) everything we do should be for mutual edification [in other words, you help me i help you la!]
1) retardability is radiatable [i shall not dignify this by commenting]

top ten amy quotes:
you gotta help me, YOU GOTTA HELP ME!! [often accompanied by extreme harrassment in the form of grabbing your arm and shaking harder than you would a cocktail]
9) i don't get it [common phrase following an andwer to the above]
8) can i have some food?
7) heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee [high -pitched non-stop giggle which seems to erupt uncontrollably every second minute]
6) squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaal [imagine an off-key C# at 100% volume] 5) squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaal [imagine an off-key C# at 1% volume, an amazing feat]
4) my great-grandfather is still alive......... like.............. he's not dead... [?!?!?!]
3) aww, poor baby
2) heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee [occurs so commonly that it deserves two places]
1) HI KEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [or alternatively, HI JON!!!!!!!!!!]

top 10 kim quotes:
i need to pee
9) oh, how lovely [sarcastic remark made at anything that is aimed to impress... but doesn't]
8) what is your problem, asshole?? [reserved only for moey, because he's such an... well, do i really have to say it?]
7) i'm sowie [variation of "i'm sorry" that reduces others to laughter and allows her time to escape]
6) distance - if it doesn't break, it makes [how deep, how profound, how totally irrelevant!!]
5) [when criticizing amy's spelling] amy, your spelling is beyong help.. [thanks very much jon, for pointing that out]
4) [when some guy smeared something down my back, i turned around] HEY!!! *pause to allow them to cower* WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??? *pause, give them time to escape, see how merciful i am?* MOVE!!! *cause some guy was too stupid to get that he was pretty near death*
3) wanna start something? [used when feeling aggro]
2) go away!!!
1) what doesn't kill you makes you fatter!!!


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