two guys and a missing girl

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

its midweek already.. the week's gone by so fast.

nat's birthday today (: we walked over to pass her her stuff. my bro wanted to challenge me to see who can make the nicest card.. and yeaa. i must say casper is very good at dissing my brother.. works to my advantage (:

btw, amy i forgot to pass your note to her.. (knowing how forgetful i am [UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!!]) but we'll get casper to pass it over tmr. i wonder how depressed he feels since everything we pass to him goes to his sister XD oh well. tough luck (:

ee my skin is weird. my hands are, at least. and they're tearing themselves up.. almost literally. like i get cuts for no good reason (fine, we'll accept dry skin or some rare disorder or smth..) and kim has so kindly offered some solutions to the problem, like putting cold fingers on the affected spot.. dont ask me how that helps, i'm not the one planning on doing med.. *looks at kim*

my meteors. so exciting (:


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