two guys and a missing girl

Sunday, November 06, 2005

sorry harry... i've been to lazy to blog, even though i know you needed a lot of support... i can so totally guess who GuyX is.. XD

so i guess you've been pretty sleep deprived, huh... i can't believe you actually did so much on the chinese thing... i only translated a few phrases [e.g. cancer, surgery] and i was hoping you could help me string them into sentences tomorrow XD.. please? thanks XD

oh yeah, and you remember when you did the s and e speech on your family profile on friday?? that was really.......... fast!! i was like WHOA.. and duncan turned around and went "she talks SO fast".. i timed you [kind of] and when i was walking back home from school, i calculated your speed of speech [for want of something better to do].. guess how fast you talk??

200 words per minute

i'm not shitting you.. it's true.. i think if amy is a peacock that can do a head thing, you're a *pauses to think of a creature that makes noise endlessly*... then you're a flock of magpies fighting for the one piece of meat.. no joke.. that's how fast you talk [or caw, depending on how you look at it]

was gonna say something else... but i forgot... will write it down when i remember it..


At 2:32 PM, November 06, 2005, Blogger kim said...

leave off the stupid comments already, you idiots!!!

we all know you're just advertising your own crap!!

i am just a random guy impersonating mike..


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