two guys and a missing girl

Thursday, November 10, 2005

i'm slightly tired..and i've got piano to play.. dont wanna sleep before practising piano.. dont think practising piano now would yield results.. feeling sluggish.. i shld sleep now. but if i do i wont practise my quota for the day..

pianoexammmm. rargh.

i bet after the exam i'll be playing the piano like crap and playing my pieces over and over again.

THREE MORE WEEKS. i'm gonna get this damn thing over and done with.

okay i'm gonna slap myself awake and practise in 4 min. i think the music made me sluggish.. i turned on ben folds and heard the piano motivated to play? well. now we know what music to play before proceeding to the piano..

you know what? screw the 4 min. i'm going now.


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