two guys and a missing girl

Friday, November 04, 2005

okay that was some serious crack-up. i told you you've got the gift of writing kim [so precise], you shld be the journalist and i the photographer. and together we make the photo-journalist duo!

kim: "but i wanna be the photographer too!!!!!!!!!!"

yea okay. i get your point XD

you know, all along i thought only monday was productive night, in which you switch off weekend gear and tune yourself back into school life. now i've got friday listed as work-your-ass-off night. well at least today was. there was tennis, piano [1 hour, i kinda died after that and really tried to keep myself from exploding under immense frustration (which kim probably finds more cute than scary)], science [in which i'm going absolutely nowhere], chinese [did a lot of translation, this is the secret behind cheating in chinese speaking *MWAHAHAHHAA* BEAT THAT MISS WANG.]

photog!!!! solarization is cool. i like the one i did of the flowers. this is really turning into a blog to host rantings of the random photog fanatic(s). until amy chomps along and blogs about..i dont know? random (embarrassing, i might add) events that happen in school, much to kim's dismay.. yeaaa.

i wanna run through the halls of my high school; i wanna scream at the top of my lungs

we so have to carry out every single one of the things we said we'd do (i.e. camping XD) and cucumber slices on our eyes XD and going to rottnest or smth of that sort. TAKING PICTURES OF NICE SCENARY WITH NICE CLEAR WATER IS A MUST. so is dissing each other and also laughing our days away over the most retarded things (remember, we're inter-influential).. and yar.

okay i've gotta wake up at 6.30 tmr and its alr 2353.. and i havent done qt! i am so not sleeping till 0030..i'm gonna be dead for tmr man. okay cousin's chasing me off.....bye.


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