two guys and a missing girl

Sunday, November 06, 2005

i know i shouldnt be online now, since its 0034 in the morning and i've got church and i most imptly kinda promised to be sleeping now (sorry jon =/) but well i got annoyed around 0020 in the morning by guyX (trust me, you guys will know soon) who took only 5 min and succeeded in giving me a crap start to the day and made me uncontrollably bitch about him till now (still going). and my bro is actually taking all of it in (mainly cause he was there and knows my peeved-off-ness).

but SERIOUSLY! i've never called a single person so many foul words (nothing worse than asshole, i restrain myself) in a single night apart from tonight! gahhhh what an idiot! rargh. its no wonder they both go hand in hand, they have the ability to piss me off and make me wanna rant.

and no kim, i dont think the word 'cute' can be used on me now, though you claim that i am cute when i'm pissed. pfft.

ahh whatever. enough bitching and ranting for the night. (or morning) it's 0040 and i wonder if my bro will let me go back and sleep..? or does he still wanna resume the late night convo..


i guess we pretty much have our answer.

i really cant comprehend how he can study and talk to me though.. makes more sense if he'd study and let me sleep or smth. oh well *shrugs*

0043. sorry jon ):


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