two guys and a missing girl

Sunday, November 06, 2005

i am blogging lots today... this one brings my grand total up to 4... i guess i'm [over] compensating for being too lazy to blog the last couple of days...

so.. topic.. hmm... oh, yeah.. thanks jon, for pointing out that howler monkeys make lots of noise.. i was thinking along the lines of a monkey [suits sarry, doesn't it] but i didnt know any special breeds besides orang-utans and gorillas [don't really suit her]..

i caught a bit of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella on TV today.. only watched part of it before i went off to shower.. it's not the first time i've seen it, but this time, it really struck me as being totally LAME.. ok, think cinderella meets some world multi-cultural organization... cinderella is african [brandy].. her stepmother and one stepsister are white.. her other stepsister is african.. whoopi goldberg plays the queen and she has a white husband and an asian son [the prince]... talk about screwed up...

the music's not bad, the lyrics are deep and romantic.. or alternatively [from where i stand] mushy and corny..
"do i love you because you're beautiful or are you beautiful because i love you?"

ok, i'm gonna stop before i go off again.. going to watch aussie idol now... Lee's performing next.. ciao~


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