two guys and a missing girl

Monday, November 07, 2005

play by play of the richard chen story

*everyone is working dilligently... well, define dilligent.. but anyway, richard chen suddenly makes his - late - entrance by waltzing into the classroom in a slightly drunken state*
richard: *slam, bang* oh, sorry i'm late. i, uh, got hit by a car.
*distinct snickers can be heard*
---cuts to group discussion---
sarah: hey, duncan, did you hear? richard was late cause he got hit by a car.
duncan: *snorts* yeah. he probably got hit by a PARKED car.
*spastic laughter ensues*

*richard chen is [unfortunately] destroying the peace of the classroom by letting loose his extremely unappetizing vocals*
richard: i'm a genius, really, i am
*met with blank stares and a few snorts*
richard: no, seriously, i am!! i'm really a genius.
amy: *derisively* riiiiiiiiiight...... a genius that got hit by a parked car.
richard: *smiles disgustingly* oh, that. i didn't really. i woke up late so i had to make up and excuse for being late.
kim: that's even lamer than getting hit by a parked car.
sarah: *nods, laughing to hard to do anything else*
---resume our exceedingly important work---
richard: *bursts out* you know, i might actually have BRAIN DAMAGE???
*volume of laughter hits 120 decibels*

oh, and about him getting punched by adam.. i suddenly saw adam lunge at him - seriously, it was a lunge.. he brought up his right arm and jabbed a solid one right into richard's face. it sounded like a piece of crocodile meat being tendorized......... by a cotton ball..

you think i dont wanna take pics of the stars? stupid broken camera.. plus, there's lots of trees near where i live.. like, i can't see out my window cause there's this massive tree blocking the sky.. sheesh.. and november's good for star-gazing cause there's less cloud [summer coming].. don't take my word for it, though, i made it up..

and guess what? retardability is really radiatable.. richard got hit by a parked car.. i got hit by a wall.. shit la.. i'm drying my hands on my jumper after washing them in the toilet right, and the stupid wall came right at me.. i dodged to the left, but it dodged as well.. good thing i'm more agile than "i love hot guyz" [it even had a name graffitied on it] and it only hit me on the shoulder.. damn... i should report it for unprovoked physical assault..


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