two guys and a missing girl

Thursday, February 02, 2006

you've never seen a more hardworking sarah-ann lee before.

she comes home at 4, starts doing her work at 4.30, does extra work so she wont have to work so hard during the weekend, gives up late night shopping and a JAPANESE DINNER to stay at home to WORK. and its only the second day of school.

nerd alert.

okay. so maybe i skipped late night shopping cause i knew i'd be tired [like i am now] and i missed dinner cause if i went for dinner i had to go shopping. and i honestly had planned to attempt to finish off my 2 chapters of theory tonight. but dinner [and i endured one hour of hunger pangs for my lasagne] kinda made me sluggish and after finishing [or doing what i could] science, i opened my theory book and stared at it blankly. no inspiration whatsoever to do it. brain dead. and i come back to the comp and i'm angsty and crummy.

i honestly need sleep. school has been drinking my energy. come on, after close to 9 weeks of inactivity you cant expect me to be jumping around after a whole day. maybe i should sleep now. 9.30pm. then maybe i wont wake up late.

i want someone to talk to.

goodbye, goodnight.


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