two guys and a missing girl

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

things to thank God for on the first day of school: [not ranked whatsoever]

1) i actually woke up on time.
2) i actually reached school on time
3) i'm not in gay form classes [e.g. chinese or PHYS ED]
4) i'm not in amy's photog class. or any of her other classes for that matter, save for chinese, but i dont mind that.
5) we dont have ms wang for chinese anymore [Thank You God]. instead we have this teacher who's bound to make our chinese improve in the year. and shut everyone else in class up, including amy.
6) i'm not in all the same classes as kim. though i'm in 5 of them, but thats not too bad, least we dont get an overdose. [SAME PHOTOG CLASS. ROCK ON.]
7) pretty good locker location.
8) the first day of school was actually not bad. i even have an inner motivation to wanna do well.

i'll add to the list later.

photo-taking tmr..sigh. I HOPE I HOPE I REALLY HOPE it's during phys ed or smth.

HEWITT IS OUT OF THE TOP TEN. baghdatis is 27. clijsters is no.1, followed by mauresmo then davenport. roddick's 3rd, nadal's still 2nd and no one's ever gonna uproot federer from his no.1 spot. safin dropped to 50 though. serena williams also dropped to the low 30s.

and i've got homework to do. fantastic, isnt it! marvellously gorgeous. i'm in the same s&e class as casper and i've got a really eccentric teacher. sigh.

oh well. it was a pretty good first day. now for the remaining 199 days or so...


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