two guys and a missing girl

Sunday, November 13, 2005

take note of the plural form of the word blow in the previous post. she did attack me with more than one blow.

hanyway. my mum was being pretty random today. either that or she's just picking on my height issue these few days/weeks, getting me eat more vitamins in hope that i'll grow (it's all pre-determined... what can i do if i get her side of the genes?) and today, she walked into my room, said a few words, then really randomly went:

mum: actually, when i see you standing next to jon... if you find a boyfriend/husband next time who's as tall as him, never mind! can always wear high-heels (:

me: ........what prompted you to say that??

mum: oh. just saying only la *leaves room*

me: .............

she probably had quite a bit of experience in that aspect, i gather.. then at breakfast today she went on about how girls shld be neat... otherwise guys wont want to marry you.. i'll just marry someone who's neat then... i guess. either that or i'll just stay single and happy! yay =) then she tried comparing me to my bro...

mum: it's not that i want to compare..but in this aspect korkor's a bit better...
me: well that's cause he's older. was he like that when he was my age?
me: there we go.
mum: are you telling me there's still hope for you?
me: yeaa. i guess. he's older and so he's more mature..
mum: oh. maturity wise i always put you on par with him
-bro drinking juice looks horrified and tries to defend himself in vain-

oh well. i guess worship today wasnt so bad, considering i was thiiiiiis close to screwing it up by conveniently forgetting about the powerpoint completely. pfft.

gonna pick someone at the airport soon.. in 3 weeks i'll be on the plane already. i dont feel excited yet.

would you believe me if i say that you dont need to wait for the answers before you step out in faith?

the question my mind threw at me during sermon today.

32 deg on tuesday!!! i'm melting...


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