two guys and a missing girl

Sunday, November 13, 2005

harry and i are constantly fighting over stuff... i'm talking tom and jerry type of fighting [me being jerry, i wish]

unfortunately, we are also inexplicably synchronized.. *dramatic music goes deng deng deng*

yes, that's right. we're synchronized. yeah, i mean, we often happen to be walking the same way - "left, right, left, right, skip over the piece of crap etc". most people do that.. but we take it a step further.. the other day, we sat down on the stairs together, folded our legs, took out our lunches, took a bite, chewed, covered our mouth and laughed when jess said something funny.... ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!

and that's not all... yesterday, even though we were like, two suburbs away from each other, we ended up eating the same thing for lunch - lasagne.. yep.. and then, we both drank water at the same time.. and then, predictably, we both had to go relieve ourselves at the same time.. worst thing is, this isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened. many times we have gone to the toy-lut at the same time [please, different cubicles] and come out at exactly the same time. when that happens, we would both start smacking each other, blaming the other for copying..

and we have frequently had the same responses to things... we'd look at each other and go "one, two, three *smack*" or alternatively "one, two, three *laughs obscenely*.. . and then we -


i've just replied to a friend on msn, and i seem to have lost my thought...


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