two guys and a missing girl

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

argh! i wanna be retarded all over again. remember the good 'ol days, mike, when we used to spend one whole day laughing at a whole range of retarded activities that ranged from synchronized movements and thoughts to a whole lot of redundaness (what a word!)? THOSE WERE SERIOUSLY THE DAYS. for some weird reason now i've been weird for the past i-dont-know-how-many-days/weeks. as far as i can date back, it must have been the post-hols that got me in this neither-here-nor-there mood. argh. come on kim, just be a bit more retarded so you can make me laugh more. it works for the better of the human race (:

and now mike, you make me feel compelled to produce a good print out of the many shots i took of you. fine, healthy competition huh (: ahh but photog does rock. and it's a bit thrilling to note how much we're wasting (come on, we're doing double prints on photos that arent even school-related! we so rock at burning the school's resources)

i dont feel like living a wednesday.

ARGH where's retardness when you need it?!?! i'm too sane for my good. outsaness. irritating.


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