two guys and a missing girl

Thursday, July 13, 2006

every once in a while there comes a time when mike and harry just cannot be bothered to blog.

yes yes, it's so sad. cry your eyes out.

i think harry's away at camp. i think. i'm not sure. no communication in the last week or so.

had a workshop on family communication at camp... which led to sketches on the topic. damn funny. our group was stuuuuupidddddddddd man.. but good all the same XD. well, i thought we did damn fine.

it was nothing like how we'd practised it tho. totally different. cause josh forgot one scene, and cheng loon and yu jhyn's improvisations are just...... very interesting. didn't help that every time i had a part, it was with those two, so i sorta just... stood there looking ornamental. no, actually yu jhyn manhandled me into acting my part. he and cheng loon ended up sandwiching me at the end. i saw a picture of that.. it's so funny cause you can't see me, so it looks like they're hugging each other XD.

i loved, however, how tim skipped around with the girls singing "we are family".. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.. that was hilarious. i was laughing so hard backstage i nearly forgot i had to go back up. and when tim and cheng loon were dancing to yu jhyn beatboxing... saturday night fever to techno music... priceless.

i didn't take any pictures. at all. NONE.

i'm serious. gonna have to get them off everybody else. sigh.


At 8:15 PM, July 19, 2006, Blogger Fin said...

lol!! Kimmyyyyy Cuz!! what happened to this blog XDDD


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