two guys and a missing girl

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

i finally feel like blogging again. yay!

my feet hurt..not cool to shop from 11-4.30 in, its not good even to shop for so long in sneakers! jialat.. better bring back-ups when i actually do wear my heels. shoe shopping today was a near disaster..thank goodness God answered my prayer XD

saw wendy, emily and jess while shopping quite a shock actually. they reminded me of the painful reality that i was soon going to see them for another 10 whole weeks.. terrible uncool. oh well.

haha. minimal spending at harbour town once again. God definitely wants me to save up my money for better purposes out there than simply splurging on personal wants. meh. its all good.

cookies are good..i've been devouring lots of them lately. at my mum's shop.. and all that. subway cookies are pretty good. a tad sweet, but you can never complain..or at least i cant. i need artificial sweeteners. so do you, mike. but its good... wont be long till i can classify to be called cookie monster.

shopping was fun today XD never really had so much fun shopping with friends a bit bored and tired after a while though. obviously i'm not shopoholic material.

i wanna sit out on the railing on the balcony of chalet 7 again. bleagh. hate crashing back to reality.

i want to hide in You, the Way, the Life, the Truth, so i can disappear


At 7:25 PM, July 23, 2006, Blogger Fin said...

haha, how we'd walk back for dinner in the main hall, through the serene, calm environment. Pass by Leon and Rob laughing at each other, Ken and Collin discussing singspiration stuff, see Emily and Tak on their balcony waving, feel a nudge as Annie, Evy and Jenny joined us, walk into the main hall, see the singspiration team, huddle for a prayer, eat dinner, and rock the house? haha. i miss it too XD


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