two guys and a missing girl

Thursday, February 09, 2006

why is it that women seem to have the short end of the stick? i mean, i'm not one of those feminists who burn their bras and go around crushing balls... but i think that Eve really screwed up bad when she ate the fruit of wisdom in the garden of Eden so many years ago.

first, we are considered the weaker of the species and are expected to submit to the males who are, by default, the dominant species. HOW SHITTY IS THAT? LIKE HELL WE'RE GONNA BE DOING ALL YOUR DIRTY LAUNDRY FOREVER. wash your own underwear.

but it's not only the housework. it's [you can see this coming] childbirth as well. and THIS responsibility starts waaaaaaaay before we even THINK of having kids - if you know what i mean. crap man.
i don't know how much it hurts, but judging by the one childbirth i have been around, i'd say it hurts way more than a kick in arse. and what about all those diseases that seem to affect women waaay more than men.

osteoporosis - 8 million women in america are estimated to be affected. how many men? 2 million. small fry compared to the women. and what about the cancers? women get ovarian cancer - and don't you go telling me that men get it too cause i KNOW they don't. i'm not that dumb. to be fair, men get prostate cancer [which i imagine deflates their ego considerably] but women deal with breast cancer too. hrmm.. actually, mebbe guys can get boob cancer as well. not too sure. some of them definitely need bras, though.

this is a pretty gross post, actually, now that i think about it. but whatever. no one reads this anyway. and what's with women having to be all demure and pretty-looking? that's just unrealistic. i mean, who the hell utters a delicate gasp and faints when they see a mouse nowadays? it's usually "OH SHIT GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME. DID YOU FRIGGING HEAR ME?"

ahem. alright. maybe i'm slightly feminist. actually, not really. i'm just standing up for the female species. alright, granted i don't exactly fit into the category, but i exhibit enough qualities to be classified LOOSELY into it. sarah, on the other hand, is another story.


At 8:10 AM, February 10, 2006, Blogger sarawr said...

crude and cold. thats your call.

and whats the last line suppose to mean anyway?? it goes 2 ways doesnt it...

good job standing up for the females. now all we need is someone to stand up for the guys XDD


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