two guys and a missing girl

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

men in the bushes.

i've never been more freaked out.

today there was a notice going through school about something. the last few lines caught our attention and alarmed us slightly. "when you're walking to and from school, please walk with your friends and other rossmoyne students..."

so we go round asking people what the notice was about. the first guy we asked said it was about some girl getting raped [proved to be rubbish]. the second said it was a stalker [stirred the paranoia in us] and the last one, who happens to be amy and the one which sounds the most credible, said smth about 3 guys in a car trying to lure a girl into the car on the way to school.


honestly, at least kim walks home with her sis and bro, but I walk home alone. mann. its rare occasions like these that i wish my bro was walking home with me too =/

it's time to thank God for my [less than] mediocre looks.

my mum is definitely not hearing about this. lets just keep this a secret between me, you and the rest of the rossmoyne population.

moving on! the weather today was gorgeous! although the blanket of clouds didnt clear till evening, but the cool weather was EVERYTHING i wanted. perfect stuff. and i still feel slightly unhappy that we couldnt develop our films, for the 99th time i've said today.

and why oh why do they give us level7 questions in our maths tests when the maximum we can acheive is a 6 ANYWAY? as i've said, i've got limited brain cells.. dont make me exhaust them.

i need pure oxygen.

TWO MORE DAYS TO THE WEEKEND! rock on.. and choir practise tmr shldnt have been cancelled, that just means tonight i have to practise like an absolute nut...

happy 15th feb everyone.


At 4:39 PM, February 17, 2006, Blogger kim said...

"ur a massive diamond =)"

massive being the operative word. what i am you are.

ditto everything you said in your post.


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