two guys and a missing girl

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

it is a very hot day.

while our supremely slack english teacher cannot tolerate the heat at all, my maths teacher seems to enjoy being in a classroom that can hardly be differentiated from a suana. honestly. and the best part? the aircon in the demountable was NOT working. and all the fans did were circulate hot air around. i really thought it would be better for me to faint because of extreme heat. maybe we shld listen to mrs oh-i'm-so-hot and lodge a complain to the school.

oh well. happy valentine's day, world. i've got a date with my hairdresser later [to cut hair only, nothing else] and then i'm gonna romanticise my piano [at least try to, to avoid sealing my fate on thursday =/] and then have a date with the love of my life! =)

i hope and hope and hope that the rest of the house goes out to celebrate the day with their valentines, leaving me home alone. i promise i wont freak out even after last night's talk about the spirit world and all.

that said and done, i'd better be productive today. maths test, law&com rubbish, chinese notes, THEORY [thats the killer]..whoever said year10 was easy??

i know i've been unfaithful
lovers in line
while You're turning over tables
with the rage of a jealous kind
i chose the gallows to the aisle
thought that love would never find
hanging ropes will never keep You
and Your love of a jealous kind


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