two guys and a missing girl

Friday, February 10, 2006

i was pretty much getting into the school routine already, until i realised that up until now, i had no assignments, tests or in-class essays to write up.

i just knew there was something about school that made me dislike it very much.

so next week, we have an assignment due monday, 2 tests, and an essay to be written up in a double. wonderful isnt it? i have no idea how i'm gonna manage to space everything out without cramming it all on sunday, which would be nothing short of horrid.

school today was a mixture of laughter...and something else -whats the word now- put it this way, its not too pleasant when you're within earshot of some guy talking to his supposed girlfriend while he's cuddling her.

"you know there's a year 10 dinner dance? ...blablablabla... i was wondering if you would go with me." dude. its at the end of the year.
"but i dont know how to dance." there are better ways of saying NO.

OH the best part came during the slack-off period at english, when karina asks if a gorilla is real, or if its made-up like the ape.

orange karina!!! of course the part when she thought 'casper or jasper, whatever his name is' was among the best looking guys of the bunch was pretty funny too. the gorilla one was still the best though, we cracked up so much XD

of course, 6 periods with kim was pretty much an overdose..thank goodness we were spared from ms yip's wrath, God was really with us man *thank You God*

hokay time to go work my butt off. i really dont want to play tennis later.


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