two guys and a missing girl

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

an extract from the email from mike:

thirdly, and most importantly, i just received the
hungry jacks coupons for this month. and TERRIBLE,
breath before i continue. THE PRICE HAS GONE UP!!!

i need to lie down.

i found that terribly amusing XD

life in singapore is fast-paced as ever. the malls are so packed with people!! in perth they're all spread out..and no mall is ever too crowded that you get shoved back and forth or sandwiched in between people. oh well.

at least the public transport is still as good. minus the fact that i was late for church on sunday cause i left the house 5 min behind schedule and on my way out i saw the bus and i was just thinking: great. first of all, i dont think i could catch up to it even if i tried running, cause its quite a distance to the bus stop, then again it depends on whether the bus driver is compassionate enough to stop and wait for you. second of all, i had breakfast in me and could not run, least i risk puking on the road.

but apart from that, its all good =) mrt still efficient, walking is still the best though..(imagine that coming from me! :O)

things to do today:
1.spend some quality time alone (quiet time, music, bum, bum, bum) piano
3.wrap presents people to arrange friday's stuff
5.chill at home

no one responds online at 2.25pm do they.


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