two guys and a missing girl

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

christopher mo just did the most disgusting thing ever. he went and found this redundant love calculator thing on the internet and he started calculating all these weird people together. sarah, i'm serious.

he calculated you and him [25%, thank God].. me and him [OH YUCK OH YUCK OH YUCK], me and joey, me and william, me and sarah [EWWWWWWW!!! 52% in case you're wondering], me and amy [=.=], sarah and joey [a whooping 86%]. me and arsewipe [yuckyuckyuckyuck*choke*gurgle*die*]. sarah and arsewipe [see previous]. me and benny. oh, jess and will.. didn't turn out too well tho. moey and jess [a very pathetic 12%]. sarah and amy [32% or something].

he's so obscene. got him back tho. him and benny... 89%!!

oh, btw. IT is 69%. you know what i'm talking about. i'd say it's not bad XD. higher than most anyway. it's a B.


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