two guys and a missing girl

Thursday, December 01, 2005

speaking of singlish, guess what? i was watching tv the other day and there was this singaporean guy on the news, talking about the guy who'd smuggled drugs into the country.. blah blah blah, who paid attention to what he was saying? he couldn't change the verdict in the end..

anyway, the thing that grabbed my attention was the fact that channel nine actually put subtitles on screen while the guy was talking.. yes, they put subtitles on.. i just cracked up.. number one, yes, his accent was extremely singaporean.. number two, i actually still understood him... three, how is it that people can't understand the same language just cause it's spoken with a different accent?

apparently they did the same thing for a john howard speech in the UK.. his accent was too australian for the Brits to understand..

oh, and harry, i mix my english with chinese as well, and i actually do it fluently.. for example when my mum turned on the light and i said i didn't need it... "ke neng ni mei you mei tian chi carrot suo yi ni de pupils bu hui dilate".. roughly translates into, maybe your pupils don't dilate cause you don't eat carrots everyday..

figure that out!


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