two guys and a missing girl

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


okay this is gonna be short since the certain more important people have already received updates via emails (yes kim, unfortunately that refers to you)

outta curiosity, are you a man (notice how i didnt change it to woman) of your word, kim?

cause if you are, i've got news for you. i came back from my piano exam without a distinction.

nownow, are you gonna keep to your word and disown me?

okay gimme your reply to that XD and i'm gonna..stop hogging the comp now. i think i spend a lot of time typing long emails to people (you guys had better be grateful) there are only 2 i type to and that in itself is enough to keep my fingers moving all across the keyboard.......yes.

i am evicting! less than 2 weeks to christmas, i have done zilch christmas shopping. in case you are wondering (i'm saving you the ego outburst here kim) i am shopping around for your christmas presents okay.

why is the weather so nice there now?!?! i think i took all the bad weather with me and brought it here...should i even be surprised? i bring about storms everywhere i

i love you all! =) (all = kim, jon.. no one else reads this)

enjoy the next 4 weeks without me..after that you're not gonna get a break anytime soon..


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