two guys and a missing girl

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

.....i dont believe he just did that. wasnt it. we (namely, people in our age here in sg, excluding me) used to toy with it when we (again, not me) were 10. and..he's 14...sadly. and..whats up with the WEIRD PAIRINGS?!?! my gosh. as if the guys arent bad enough.. he has to pair the GIRLS up too!??!

"i am walking the straight and narrow road." -quote kim

my gosh. and you had to put IT in..*shakes head* you of all people..what were you, bored?!?

goodness me. (technically can you goodness someone.)

my fingers are getting cold. the aircon's so nice and the bed seems just the place to be.

i'm lazy to go on msn for fear of people bombarding me.. oh well. i guess the daily (or not) emails are enough to give me the perth dose XD and keep me updated.. yay =)

i'm tired at 11:30. i'm losing my stamina.

GOD BLESS!! love you guys to bits =)


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