i know you all miss my great presence...;p so thick skin

Jon and i at Augusta!! (if you look closely at our foot you'll actually notice that we're tiptoe-ing.. Jon's an idiot. tall
er people need not tiptoe -_-) beautiful place at the tip of WA, nearest to Antarctica. we ate at the Colourpatch Cafe, apparently the last eating place before Antarctica..that was pretty cool. its a gorgeous place too..i'm gonna buy a house there someday.

Simmo's at Busselton!! this was taken on timer (many thanks to David for teaching me how to use that function down at Rottnest) you've gotta love our expressions though XD

see what i said about Augusta being stunning? this is probably the Southern Ocean...drop dead gorgeous. simply breathtaking.

after climbing...167? or smth steps up at 39m Cape Leeuwin lighthouse. view was pretty. could see the Southern Ocean and Indian Ocean distinguished by the wave swells? which was pretty awesome ;p uber windy too. we were the only 4 people on the tour HAHAHAHA. climbing down was scary though. i almost missed my step..phwoar. scary crap.

all Jonathan's love their beds. so hard to get up. see the 2 fingers? signalling to me telling me to give him 2 more min. what a bum.

somehow we look really kiddish in here ;p but its a pretty nice shot, lighting's cool. *pat on back*

we look..i dunno what. but we were just about to go canoeing. Jon looks like some gangster/poser. and the bucket was for scooping water outta our canoe, not for anything else. and no, we didnt fall into the water, even though we did get whooped by my uncle who was canoeing alone. which is quite an embarrassment, really.

Busselton! hahahhaha. nice beach.

morning shot.. before we got off to our exercise and have a go at canoeing. looks underexposed, but its pretty cool.
i've gotta upload more photos eh..i took 300+ in those 4 days alone HAHAHA. and we took some cool ones at fremantle..hahaha ;p oooh oooh!! there was an invasion of dolphins when we went there..so cute!! hahahah. jumping around and all..now i feel less deprived.
lalalla. that was a good trip. i thoroughly enjoyed that.
i am extremely full from dinner + coffee. what an understatement!
our praise and all we are today
take, take, take it all
lol!! my dear cuz, you are cute beyond belief XD i love the first photo btw, and i'm glad you had a good time!! =)
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