two guys and a missing girl

Sunday, June 04, 2006

i'm going nowhere and i'm going to take my time


ps james says that fig trees that don't bear fruit are only given so much time before they are cut down cause they're wasting space.

meaning that we are only given so much time to fulfill our purpose... before God decides to eliminate us from the face of this earth cause i'mjustapieceofoxygenwastingcrap.

dammit.. haven't even found the purpose to fulfill yet.

so what now?

try that much harder to be less redundant. because i want to be more than just a waste of space, less of a shitspewingass, better than the ones who say they'll change, but never do.

because i wanna be a tree that bears some kick-ass fruit. need to grow taller and stronger. for that i need food [metaphorically. i'm trying NOT to be a pig here].

i'm waiting on the sunshine


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