two guys and a missing girl

Monday, February 27, 2006

i feel like singing. i was singing faruxue at jane's just now, and she told me to shut up. how lovely. i also feel like converting to my malaysian accent, so i will speak like all the chinese ah beng's back there.

just now i listen to 'redeemer' by planet shakers. so nice man. i wanna sing it loudly so that everybody can hear me, but it's nearly 10pm oledi. later all my neighbours ask their 'kakia' to come beat me up.

you know what? sarah and karina were being very stupid during lunch today. so damn hot and they sit there laughing like monkeys. i don't care if they laugh - laugh until they cry also i don't care - but maybe i care if they look like they gonna choke la... but they were laughing AND LOOKING AT ME, MOEY AND WILLIAM, who were sitting opposite them.

means they talking about us la. aiyo... liddat also cannot work out. no hope man.

i have no idea what i'm talking about. then in inggeris ah, karina go and hit me on the head for no reason and sarah was talking bull about how she owns my feet. and i dint understand so i very ngong ngong liddat in the middle of them. and they two laugh laugh laugh and i still blur blur one there. so bad they jio me.

good thing my skin very thick so i'm not so easily sia soi-ed. also very hard to make me cry one. so sad hoh.

rargh. index of terms:
ah beng - hoon
oledi - already [serious. this is how they pronounce it]
kakia - little people [literally means foot people]
liddat - like that
inggeris - this is how malaysians spell english
ngong ngong - stupid stupid
blur blur - work it our yourself la
jio - kacau i.e. bother
sia soi - embarrassed


At 12:03 AM, February 28, 2006, Blogger Fin said... sound weird when you put on a malay accent....or type one anyway. Its ....'un-Kim'...well, to me, since your blog is generally written in perfect english. i wonder what you sound like.....


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