two guys and a missing girl

Friday, February 24, 2006

another week has just passed and its amazing how i got past it. life is getting annoyingly routinic [self-concocted word] and i feel like a robot going through the motion of everyday stuff.

terrible, i know.

tonight we're going for a feast at ciao italia, courtesy of my bro. apparently he's paying for the meal if it doesnt cost anything more than $400. PHWOAR! talk about being generous! but yes, it should be pretty good..getting squashed in there. and tmr i'll have to work again, and sunday after church i'll have to sacrifice my slack afternoon to go where? library. to do what? RESEARCH. i'm starting to think its a mistake taking law&com.. ho well.

oh yeah. there was the stink fight in school today [please dont kill me for coming up with such a stupid sounding name, i'm pretty tired] where the guys forcibly made the girls smell like themselves. thank goodness i was the ONLY one spared, i always knew people daren't touch me..

you're waiting for the axe to fall
can't you see it lying on the ground?

collide - good song x)


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