yup this is gonna be a photo blog. of pretty nice shots that i dream of taking.

this shot is just pretty. focused on the 2 birds while the rest is blurred. probably would have been better if he'd [photographer] gotten the whole bird, instead of chopping off a part of its wing, but still, for capturing such a sharp shot of a flying bird, he is gooooood.

yea thats perth XD on a gloomy day.

festy stuff. i got a shock when i saw this photo. i'm never gonna take stuff like these. pretty good shot though, despite its contents. good example of repitition. nasty stuff. imagine thats gonna be us when we're all decomposed. hi mike (:

aHA this is just pretty! look at the stars, look how they shine for you; yea its some really nice sky thing, unfortunately i am not intelligent enough to tell you what it is, but just admire the photo okay. sosososo nice! the stars esp..and that green cloud thing, whatever it may be. the lighted tent just adds to it. proness!

this is a nice simple shot that i could probably take. if not for AUTO-FOCUS (damn you). nice and sharp though, look at the kid ahhahah so cute. quite a loving pic too actually.

oh boy this is something i would absolutely love to capture. LOOK AT IT! so pretty! i mean yea if you're running away from it its not too funny but its so pretty! look at that red-orangey larva in the midst of all that darkness! sososososososo pretty i am gonna see an active volcano at least once in my life. hawaii has one that's still issueing larva after erupting 20 years ago. i wanna see! i bet the day i reach it'd have stopped. but look at that! WHOA red hot fiery stuff. reminds me of mike's outbursts. HAHA quite accurately depicted might i add.

AWW look at that hahahhahha. two small puny things in a huge field. nice focus it has. once again, damn auto-focus.

hah! this is a nice shot. looks like its leading to a nice place into the sun-rise. what a nice shot. okay i know nice is overused okay. how pretty (: i wanna take one too.
i shall go on exploring more pictures while my stomach grumbles. i'm really gonna get my superpimp camera now. if its 438 or smth like that figure mike gave me, i am so getting it. unlike some people, i have done all my christmas shopping for people already (with no money taken from my fund hahahhaha) so i can now channel all money to the Buy-Sarah-A-Camera Fund!
imagine during CNY i'll be going, "thank you for your kind donations, all money will be channeled to the Buy-Sarah-A-Camera Fund! (:" watch me do it XD
it's so good to blast music through the house.
imagine during CNY i'll be going, "thank you for your kind donations, all money will be channeled to the Buy-Sarah-A-Camera Fund! (:" watch me do it XD
it's so good to blast music through the house.
you're so negative la!!! especially about your photog skills. it's not as bad as you think it is. but you're not THAT good either, so don't get cocky. room for improvement.
don't worry. that was a compliment.
it's not 438. it's 488 ON SALE. but there's a better one for around 700 bucks. higher pixel count and higher zoom. that's for fuji. konica is damn expensive la.
stupid person, didn't have to use own money to buy stuff. my camera fund is like... at.. umm... a hundred bucks. i think. sigh. oh well. 200 hours of work to go.
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