two guys and a missing girl

Friday, January 20, 2006

i just came back from the orthodontist and voila! new ornaments on my teeth.

you dont know how much i loved the all-natural mouth i had before 4pm today.

at least it's not hurting or anything, and now i've got a fine excuse not to eat (i'm not anorexic, i just dont feel like eating there days) funny how this all started after my trip to m'sia..oh well. its not all that bad (:

anyway. watched the end of sharapova's match, not too exciting or anything; roddick's match, kinda boring too, considering the whole match (at least the first half) was full of roddick acing that guy; and davenport vs kirilenko's match (first half at least) now that was a thriller. kirilenko's good! though i've never heard of her until today (call me ignorant) but she is really good. serve, groundstrokes and all, and she's 18. kinda like sharapova, just that i'm not a sharapova fan.

planetshakers tmr. not too psyched up about it. ho well.

my bro loves calling me brace face. sigh. thats what bros are for eh. annoying species.

"I have a bunch of half-naked women. He has a bunch of men. I know who I'd rather have dinner with me."
Baghdatis' next opponent Andy Roddick believes his bikini-clad supporters will more be than a match for the Cypriot's fans.


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