two guys and a missing girl

Sunday, April 22, 2007


today's mission sunday. and now everyone wants to go on the short term mission trip at the end of the year. no electricity and water for 2-3 weeks!! yay to me, you know i'd survive with the amount of candles i have ;p

it was funny talking to the turtle ytd about school and all. he makes me look like i'm working way too hard (and for the record, so do you mike), while people like nigara do homework and study from 7pm all the way to 1am. glad to know i'm not the extreme in both cases.

i've been relocated to the lounge. its actually a really nice place. i get to sleep with my piano, the massage chair (mike's dreaded object) and sleep on the flip out sofa thats probably twice the usual size of my single. cept i dont need to much space, but that's not the point. for the first time, i dont need to sleep where i study. i actually think there's more privacy there than in my room, less noise, more secluded..its nice. i'm the only one who actually uses that room. and there isnt even a working tv, stereo, computer, phone or whatever in there. my gosh, not even my candles are there and they're still nice. mmmm.

the mole scan was alright. no apparent cancerous moles (one came pretty close though). thank God.

i'm aching from tennis ytd. must have used too much energy. playing with sharon's friend, he conveniently forgets his opponent is a girl (i know, thats debatable).

i'm into framing now (photos, not people). just framed my yr10 d&d pics. have no where to hang them though. then there's the 'couple' shot me of and jonchia. i really like that one. we're grown up kids. ahaha. i've actually got some really nice shots from my baby. hmm..havent been using it much. i hope it doesnt feel neglected.

i still havent taken photos in the city. i wanna try and enter the competition though. pft.

i'm gonna learn how to drive when i'm 16. holiday assignment. i never realized how many people i bugged to go get their license ;p i'm such a pest. for my sake and others, i will learn and pass. hopefully XD

this is a pointless blog.

you remind me of me a lot. that realization hits me ever so often.
the things you go through and the emotions you feel make me feel like its me we're talking about. that often is a bad thing.
its painful seeing you like that. but never forget that we're all in it together.
you, me and God. orion's belt.
surrounded by a cluster of other stars. friends, and everyone else.
look at the big picture, the beautiful night sky, and smile (:
sorry, but i'll learn to drive soon, i promise (:
in the meanwhile, hold on to all the other promises i made.
i hope i wont disappoint. i will try my best.
i will be praying for you, with you.
God loves you so, so much. and you know i do too.
you're awesome, my big candle (: keep shining for Him, for all of us.

it's gonna be one incredibly interesting term ahead. its gonna be like a rollercoaster ride. and i dont particularly like rollercoasters. but you know what?

bring it on.


At 2:58 AM, November 11, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.


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