two guys and a missing girl

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

HOLIDAYS. happiness.

i'm actually looking forward to the trip down south this easter (usually, i'm not). since there is nothing much to do down there besides look at things and be exposed to more things, its perfect for my baby to go get more exercise since she's been sitting in my cupboard doing absolutely nothing for a few weeks now. quite a pity.

[i refer to her as my baby cause i have no creativity to concoct some beautiful name and well, i do treat her as my baby. besides, what can you name a Canon EOS 400D camera? Digital Rebel XTi?]

and plus i'm thankful i made the decision to go raid the city tmr rather than raid my parent's shop. i think i'd die if i worked tmr.

it feels so good to be on holiday. i dont think i need to say much more.

lol, life's full of shit. there's a good and bad side to everything. to life. to people. to the world. i've always been shielded from the bad side of everything, but the more you grow up the more you're exposed to all the bad things. its an ugly world out there. i dont love the world.

its annoying when everyone around you starts getting sick. i'm serious. something within me twitches. so mike, get well soon. cause its annoying to hear you sneezing and blowing your nose and being stoned half the time. also stupid having the urge to nag at you. karina calls it the 'motherly instinct'. so get well soon or go see a doctor. whichever comes first.

sunday's bible study was damn funny XD

faith: so guys...what day is it today?
guy1: er...sunday?
guy2: mm..1st april.
faith: ...i was thinking more along the lines of palm sunday....

faith: -on the story about Jesus and the Samaritan woman- so why did the woman think it was absurd for Jesus to [do whatever He was doing]?
leon: cause He wanted to draw water from the well without a bucket.

ashira l'Adonai ki gaoh gaah
i will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously


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