two guys and a missing girl

Monday, April 16, 2007

mm... shit happens, harry.

you know it does.

sometimes it's just a little shit, sometimes it gets a whole lot worse. and you feel like there's no way it's going to get better. you know this because you've tried. you've tried so hard to move past it and it just... doesn't work.

and then there's the high points. the moments where you think "i'm alright, how could it ever go wrong?". these are the moments that make you think maybe, just maybe, it's not all bad. and for that split second, you sprout wings.

but when you lose the adrenalin. when the world wears you out and you feel the weight of it coming down on you; it just doesn't seem worth it. it'd be nice to just go to sleep and wake up somewhere over the rainbow.

but then we'd never grow up. and the truth is, there's a part of everyone that's still trying to grow into the things that seem to be happening so fast all around them.

nobody said it was gonna be easy.

hey, shit happens.

but we can always flush the toilet.


At 1:11 AM, April 17, 2007, Blogger Fin said...

"but then we'd never grow up. and the truth is, there's a part of everyone that's still trying to grow into the things that seem to be happening so fast all around them."

i haven't heard those words been put any better before.

that and the last line of your post; amen ;p

At 3:07 PM, April 17, 2007, Blogger sarawr said...

i've always wondered how your diagnosis of me can always be so accurate to the point. freaks me out sometimes, lol. what has God been putting in your head?


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