two guys and a missing girl

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

sometimes i just don't see the point in growing up.

we can't handle our shit now, no way we can take what's coming.

but i suppose if we were all given tests on life before we grow older, nobody would get past 13.

i see all my friends going through a whole range of different angsty problems. you name it, someone i know probably has it.

and i know it's important to stay in tune with life and everyone else around me. but sometimes it just gets so hard to keep up. it's easier to just not give a shit.

i have a feeling harry's going through some shit [trust me, it translates].

i don't believe anyone can get past their teenage years unscathed. those that think they do are just lucky it didn't leave scars.

it's funny how you can grow old but never grow up. kinda how you can love someone and hate them at the same time.

i turn 16 next week.

so why do i still feel 9?


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