two guys and a missing girl

Sunday, May 06, 2007

missing church today.

every time i don't go to church on sunday, i feel really lost. i don't know why.

sunday morning is meant for sleeping in until you almost make yourself late for church, and the only reason you get up is because you know you have to get to church. then after church, is sunday lunch. you see how it all revolves around church?

after the after-church lunch, is the sunday afternoon after after-church lunch nap - which, granted, is not very productive, but it's nice.

today, i got out of bed at 8.30 in the morning. normally i get up at 9.30. today, the first thing i did was turn on the lappy. usually, the first thing i do is find food otherwise i'd miss breakfast. today, i blog at 10.30 in the morning. usually, i'm in the car on the way to church. today, i have to COOK LUNCH. usually we'd pick up hungry jacks or something along the way.

today, i'm lost.

when i should be found.


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