two guys and a missing girl

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

photos are very special things.
they speak out, bring the memories back.

went through my photos today and came across one i took at the cny dinner at my house this year. wasnt meant to be at my house, but cause of an electrical glitch at applecross it got moved to my house, and we only had an hour to tidy up. still remember the events of that day clearly.

i scanned the photo and saw all the faces. lots of stupid faces and all, typical; i liked that photo cause of the candidness. then i stopped when i came to uncle weekoon. and all my feelings just unraveled before me.

at the time the photo was taken, he hadn't been diagnosed with cancer yet. his family was happy without the torment of having to go through the ordeal. it was all good. you'd never have thought of anything.

then life hits you like a big, yellow bus and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

its been more than 6 months since the news, he's been to hongkong and back, he's been through hopefully the last of his treatment. things have been hard for him and his family. i cant imagine how much. his face has shrunk, all of him has. its been so trying for him, but he's been doing a fantastic job. i admire him for his courage and bravery.

sometimes i see him driving to the park to exercise in the evening. when i walk past and see him there, i dont know what i feel, but something stirs inside me.

i dont know why i'm getting so emotional.

i guess i rather bear the burden for someone than see someone carrying their pain. sometimes it gets a bit too much for me.


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