two guys and a missing girl

Monday, September 03, 2007

today i told someone quite offhandedly, "i trust you.".
his reply was, "yea well, you're one of the only ones who do."

i wonder what its like not to be trusted all your life. that hearing the words 'i trust you' is a rarity. to have people not believe in you. that a simple 'i trust you' would ring beautifully in their ears.

i guess i would do whatever i can to help a person's self-esteem, or whatever you want to call that. from risking my hair to taking a jump without really knowing if there's gonna be anyone to catch my fall.

its funny; i never knew i trusted that easily. guess it depends on who we're talking about.

today someone labelled the book of Job as 'emo'.
today we danced in the darkroom.
today bible study was pretty productive.
today was a hot day.
today's come, and is going soon. just like the whole of 2007.

still cant believe its september.

when i look at you holding my heart
i will give to you all that i have

today i shine because of You, and you.


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