two guys and a missing girl

Friday, September 14, 2007

i'm actually quite a serious girl (or guy, or whatever). i take everything with a degree of seriousness. when someone starts coughing, its like i make a big fuss out of nothing, that kind of thing.

but every time i dont take things quite so seriously, shit happens.

there was a time at school my friend told me she had a headache. i didnt care, i thought she was just making a big deal out of nothing, trying to get attention, smth along those lines. next time i know, she faints behind me -_-

talk about feeling guilty.

then this morning, someone didnt feel great after a test, i brushed it off cause i felt quite alright about the same test i did. i walk into the locker area, and she's so distressed she's crying, tears streaming down her face.

i dont know whether trying to right your wrongs is a good enough justification for situations you could have changed.

i wonder if its my fault.


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